
COO・吉田が2023年を振り返る〜メンバーそれぞれが誇りに思える仕事の先に、会社の成長がある〜COO Yoshida looks back on 2023 – The company’s growth lies ahead of the work that each member can be proud of.



In this issue, we interviewed Kei Yoshida, who joined the company in January 2023 and serves as our COO. We asked him about how the company has changed since he joined a year ago and what kind of growth he plans for the future.

吉田 圭 Kei Yoshida
取締役 最高執行責任者(COO)

東京下町出身。海外への進学・就職を経て、株式会社アガスタで中古車輸出事業に従事。その後大手外資系の教育関連企業にて法人営業、店舗運営オペレーション設計を担当。外資不動産、アパレル、医療ヘルスケアなどの執行役員を経て、2022年当社のCOOに就任。人生のモットーは、The darkest is before sunrise。

Born in downtown Tokyo and after going abroad for higher education and work, Kei worked in the used car export business at Agasta Co. He then worked in corporate sales and store operation design at a major foreign education-related company. After working as an executive officer in foreign real estate, apparel, and medical healthcare, he took over the position of COO of our company in 2022. His motto in life is, “the darkest is before sunrise.”

入社を決意した理由はなんですか?What made you decide to join the company?


I wanted to lead a life without regrets. The business of this company is to sell used cars online for overseas markets. I thought it would be challenging in many ways due to global interest, the social significance of contributing to the infrastructure of developing countries, and the fact that the people working for the company have a global and diverse background. Hence, I wanted to make this the pinnacle of everything that I have accumulated up until now.

現在取り組まれていることを教えてください。-What are you currently working on?



As COO, my job is to check the resources of the entire company, distribute people, goods, money, and information appropriately while creating a system to turn them around to generate profit. For example, by investing in personnel through recruitment, training and retention, profit would naturally follow. Since communication is also one of the profit-generating mechanisms, I think it is very important to coordinate between management and the frontline, sales and other departments, Japanese and foreign nationals, and so on.

In addition, our business is both interesting and challenging because our customers are scattered all over the world. External factors such as changes in political affairs or regulations can make it difficult to do business with them all at once. Therefore, keeping an eye for overseas information shows the mobility of our company. Of course, we read overseas news but the voices of our customers are quicker and more realistic and it is easier to think of how to respond appropriately. Therefore, it is only when we have built a relationship with our customers that we can receive news at the fastest speed, learn of their experiences and share it within the company, in order to develop countermeasures for the business. In hindsight, internal communication is very important. We strive to think of means to share information, set up a communicative system, exchange opinions with each other, and visualize our current services to make them even better.

この1年でどのような成果を上げられたのでしょうか?-What results have you achieved in the past year?



Evidently, within just seven months of joining the company, we were able to double the number of vehicles we used to carry. Of course, becoming a subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho in March 2023 was a major factor but I think this is the result of our efforts in procurement, sales, and logistics, as well as efforts to secure and retain human resources to support these activities. I feel that we have been able to properly prepare the company’s products, staff, and logistics, and that the members of the team are now able to properly respond to the increase of sales. In terms of strategy, we have also hired personnel who can handle a wide range of languages of our customers. Since we speak the same languages (English, French, Portuguese, etc.), it is easier for us to build a relationship of trust and the information we provide is more transparent. As a result, it is easier to pick up customer feedback and reflect on our services.

I believe that these numbers also lead to a great sense of accomplishment for each employee. It is my job to think of new strategies that will help them to take on new challenges. I would like to create a good cycle by creating an environment that facilitates each employee’s efforts that can lead to positive results.

この1年の結果を受けて、どのような課題が見えてきましたか?-What challenges do you see in the results of the past year?



Firstly, we have a multinational team, so our customer service tends to be individualized. We cannot pursue customer satisfaction unless we can share information within the company, going beyond language barriers and devising a system that allows everyone to support each other. I think we are able to provide our “Omotenashi” (hospitality) by being able to consider throughout the organization what kind of cars our customers want and what kind of service they are looking for.

Second, is the challenge of organizational growth. Until a year ago, we had fewer than 40 employees but now we have 60. One of the barriers to organizational expansion is the “50-employee barrier,” and it is becoming more difficult to keep up with the pace of expansion. In the past, it was sufficient to share information on an individual basis but now, unless operations are properly organized, information would be scattered in different directions. I think it is even more crucial to visualize what we should do to get things done through our intuitions because we are a company with a rich diversity of nationalities and other backgrounds. In addition, to lead our employees in the direction that the brand is aiming for in our cross-border system and incorporate it into their behavior, it is also essential to develop human resources and cultivate them into managers or leaders of the organization as a sort of “gimmick”. I believe that my mission is to create an organization that promotes the growth of each individual from within the organization and as a result, lead to the growth of both the company and individuals. Once we overcome this hurdle, I am sure that each employee will be able to picture a view that they have never seen before.

個人の成長には何が必要だと思いますか?-What do you think is necessary for personal growth?


First, I want our team to acquire expertise and experience. I want them to absorb expertise in each department, such as sales, logistics, purchasing, and so forth. Additionally, enable them to gain more experience through a sense of accomplishment. Furthermore, we want to help them foster a mindset of wanting to “overcome” major obstacles not only individually but together. By doing so, I believe that the level of knowledge and skills related to business operations will escalate and by further integrating knowledge of management, the sense to establish a new business will naturally follow. I believe this will ultimately lead the company to achieving its vision and mission.

COOとして個人の成長にどのように関わっていくのでしょうか?-How will you be involved in your personal growth as COO?



I want to think about what our customers need and create innovations that are not visible to them. Additionally, my mission is to nurture people who can proactively turn a business around. Not only do they have the knowledge of people, things, money, operations, marketing, finance, and management, but also those who can communicate, listen, teach, and involve others. Just by being smart isn’t enough to get people going. It’s important to move people’s minds and hearts as well. At times, you also need strength. If you don’t move your feet, you can’t move forward. Since I’m also involved with the business as part of the team, I want to focus on strengthening my abilities as a human being.

I also think it is difficult to acquire this kind of expertise just by staying in a single department so I would like to take my career path into consideration. Even those who are usually in charge of back-office operations may go on overseas business trips to listen to the voices of real customers. I believe that creating an environment that provides various opportunities to reflect on ourselves from different perspectives will enhance our personal growth.

1年後、3年後、5年後、どのような企業の成長を掲げていると思いますか?-I What kind of corporate growth do you think you are setting out to achieve in one year, three years, or five years?


First, what we are doing now will help to solidify the foundation for the organization within a year. Then, in three years, we will widely expand our services overseas beyond just having an office in Tokyo. By doing so, we will increase the exposure and gain recognition from our overseas customers. Five years later, we would like to become a business that can offer services where our customers would immediately think of when they want to buy a used car. Ideally in the future, when someone tells their parents that their partner works at, they would say, “Oh, that company is a good company, so you can rest assured.

その過程でメンバーにどんな経験を積んでもらいたいですか?-What experience do you want your members to gain in the process?


I want our members to experience a job that will give them a sense of pride in themselves as they go through various things that support and help others grow. At my former company, I was involved in creating the structure for an English training system that wanted to encourage English as an official language within the company. As a result, I heard a story about an individual who could not speak English at first but was able to contribute to the company’s business growth by learning the language and eventually working overseas. I felt very proud that I was able to contribute to the growth of the company’s business by helping one individual acquire a new weapon, English in his case, through his own efforts. I would like our company members to experience something similar if not more. I want each and every one of them to hone their expertise and skills and gain confidence in themselves and their growth. Some may choose to leave someday because they want to eventually start their own business but I think that is one outcome I can be proud of.

当社で働く魅力はどんなところにあると思いますか?-What do you think is the attraction of working for our company?


Our company has the spirit of a venture that is not afraid of challenges, aims for global business development and a strong sense of social contribution. We are also a subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho, a member of the Toyota group. We have obtained the resources to do more than ever. If I can take full advantage of these resources to contribute to the affluent lives of our customers, I am sure that what I’m doing is something that I can be proud of and provide services that even I can be impressed with.

当社への入社を検討している方へのメッセージをお願いします。-What is your message to those who are considering joining our company?



I want to work with people who have something I don’t have. It is easier to work with people who are similar to me but that doesn’t help me grow and I don’t want to be a ‘Yes man’ (someone who only knows how to say ‘yes’). Rather, I want people who have the courage to say outrageous things for the sake of growing our business to join us.

We should also have the tolerance to deal with adversaries and look at things in a more optimistic manner. As human beings, it is natural to experience negative, gloomy or depressing emotions but it would be nice if we could turn those negative feelings into positive ones, while also positively impacting those around us. Especially for our company, our customers are becoming more diversified and many uncertainties occur due to external factors. But the key is to find the light in the midst of it all and make it grow. There is darkness before dawn, so I hope that those who can endure the darkness and become brighter will join our company.



